Broad planks give boldness to this European oak while celebrating its innate simplicity. The beauty of Grand Estate is nature-born, exhibiting the raw authenticity of the most organic creations and only the slightest human touch. This oil-finished hardwood is truly timeless, and its generous construction size and gentle grain pattern creates a grand impression in any of 10 available colors.
Anderson Tuftex Grand Estate 10"
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From $14.69 / SQ. FT.
Anderson Tuftex Grand Estate 10" - Bryant House
From $14.69 / SQ. FT.
Anderson Tuftex Grand Estate 10" - Hatfield House
From $14.69 / SQ. FT.
Anderson Tuftex Grand Estate 10" - Stanford Hall
From $14.69 / SQ. FT.
Anderson Tuftex Grand Estate 10" - Sutton Court
From $14.69 / SQ. FT.
Anderson Tuftex Grand Estate 10" - Richhill Castle
From $14.69 / SQ. FT.
Anderson Tuftex Grand Estate 10" - Langdon Court
From $14.69 / SQ. FT.
Anderson Tuftex Grand Estate 10" - Eaton Manor
From $14.69 / SQ. FT.
Anderson Tuftex Grand Estate 10" - Somerton Castle
From $14.69 / SQ. FT.
Anderson Tuftex Grand Estate 10" - Thorndon Hall
From $14.69 / SQ. FT.